Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I've been exercising...I swear...well for the most part

So I haven't been keeping up on the fitness blog. Nor have I been keeping up on the fitness. :) With the exception of 2 to 3 dance parties a day at the request of Kate, I haven't been getting in any cardio. However, I've been trying to fit in some squats, lunges and weight bearing exercises.

Tonight however Kathy Smith kicked my butt. And I'm not referring to my mom. I did the Kathy Smith 20 minute leg workout and it was tough. Normally the actual video cardio doesn't do too much for me but the floor workouts are another story. I'm not 100% sure they are safe exercises for pregnant women so I should research that before I keep going but my legs are burning and it feels great.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ran almost 2 miles, walk 10 minutes
Lunges, squats - 3 sets of 12